Sourcing Standards

High quality kanna extracts are only possible using high quality kanna plants. Our quality standards for kanna are determined by genetics, cultivation methods, and ethics.
We only source from growers who use high alkaloid strains of Sceletium tortuosum (Kanna), employ sustainable cultivation methods, and follow South Africa’s Bioprospecting Access And Benefit Sharing (BABS) regulations.
High Alkaloid Genetics
We exclusively source kanna from growers that cultivate high alkaloid strains of Sceletium tortuosum.
Meaning that these kanna plants have mesembrine, mesembrenone, Δ7mesembrenone, and other active alkaloids at levels of 1.7% or higher.
These proprietary strains of Sceletium tortuosum are the result of 20 years of intensive cultivation and genetic selection.

Nutraceutical Grade Cultivation
All of our extracts are produced with nutraceutical grade kanna.
Nutraceutical grade kanna is grown with natural air and sunlight, under netted canopy, in modified earth substrates. The plants are tended to by dedicated “kanna moms” that ensure the success of each grow cycle. Nutraceutical grade produces very potent plants at a more accessible price.
While there is commercially available certified organic kanna, the active alkaloid levels are near 0.
All of the kanna we source is grown with zero use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or other conventional farming practices that would jeapordize the integrity of our extracts.
As a succulent that has evolved to grow in desert conditions, kanna requires far less inputs than other commercial crops resulting in a much smaller carbon foot print.
At every stage of the cultivation process our growers have strict protocols that reduce waste and conserve natural resources.

Benefit Sharing Agreements
Kanna has been a central part of Khoisan culture for longer than recorded history.
To honor traditional knowledge holders we have created benefit sharing agreements that allocate 3% of all our Sceletium purchases to Khoi communities.
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